Takaisin ajaessani mietiskelin, että olen Itä-Jerusalemissa eli arabialueella. Monethan eivät koskaan uskaltaudu arabipuolelle kaupunkia, koska heitä on peloteltu tai kielletty sinne menemästä. Kun arabit ovat kuulemma vaarallisia ihmisiä. Kohtaamani miehet aloittivat molemmat hepreaksi, eli olettivat minun olevan hepreankielinen - venäjän juutalaisia luultavasti. Se ei kuitenkaan estänyt heitä tulemasta apuun, he eivät kulkeneet ohi vahingoniloisena hykerrellen tai pyrkineet tunkemaan pommia autooni ja minua auton takakonttiin räjähtämään autoni mukana. He eivät ryöstäneet, raiskanneet, kolkanneet tai kidnapanneet minua lunnaiden toivossa. Minusta ei keitetty keittoa ja luistani tehty liimaa arabikorttelien kaduilla myytäväksi. He olivat tavallisia ohikulkijoita. Laupiaita samarialaisia, jotka naisen hädän nähdessään riensivät apuun miettimättä, onko tämä blondi juutalainen vai ei.
Halusin vain kertoa, ettei kannata aina uskoa mitä ei ole nähnyt. Ja kaikkea mitä mediassa kerrotaan. Tai mitä kaverin tuttavan kaveri kuulikaan kaverin tuttavalta.
A Blonde in Trouble
Today I was driving in East Jerusalem which is the Arab populated side of town. While reversing my old Nissan truck, I managed to get one of its wheels off the side of the kerb and get it stuck between some rocks. There I was on three wheels and the fourth one neatly stuck unwilling to budge. There was no hope I was going to get the car back onto the road alone.
Down the road came an Arab man and began an animated conversation with me - lots of talking and instructions in quick Hebrew. "There's no way forward" he said - even I could understand that much just with common sense, although I was not able to get much else from his ramblings. Another Arab man also hurried to my rescue from his taxi. Even he started talking to me very quickly in Hebrew, until I was able to cut him off to say that I’d be better off if they spoke English. He smiled, and they both continued in broken English. They carried over some stones, pushed and pulled and finally I was back on the road with my old and faithful truck. They waved goodbye to me with smile on their faces.
While driving back home, I pondered what had just happened. I had been driving on the Arab side of town and I often do so. Some people – even foreigners - never cross to the Arab neighborhoods, because they have been told the Arabs are dangerous.
However, these two Arab men both started talking to me in Hebrew, obviously assuming I was a Hebrew speaker – most probably they thought I was a Russian Jew. Even so, that didn't stop them from coming to my rescue. They didn't just watch with smug smiles on their faces and they didn't walk by relishing my discomfort. They didn't try to plant a bomb into my truck and lock me into the boot to blow me up along with my car. They didn't rob me or rape me. They didn't shoot me or knock me unconscious to demand ransom of a dollar or two from my dear husband. They didn't set up a pot of stew and cook me up for dinner like cannibals would, and my tender bones weren't used for making glue to be sold by the children on the streets of East Jerusalem … these two Arab men were kind and polite. They were Good Samaritans who came for my rescue without thought for whether I was an Arab or a Jew. They saw a woman in trouble and acted accordingly.
Hope you got what I'm trying to say here. Namely, stereotyping and judging people by watching TV only will not benefit anyone. Believe only what you see, and don't listen to the rumors.